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Lucille Herman



I am intrigued by the process of layering paint onto the canvas.  I wander into new fields and experiment with new gestures and rhythmic brushstrokes.  I use both a palette knife and brushes, playing with the simultaneity of subtlety and dynamism as I develop the layers of my paintings.


This past year of chaos and upheaval offered me time and space to go deeper into this process.  My studio is my sanctuary, the figure my exploration. As the days pass, the search itself becomes the answer I’m seeking.  The solitary figure becomes the brighter light.  With time it evolves into two figures - mother and child.  What we need now to help heal the earth is simple and fundamental - heartfelt love and compassion.


Currently living in Evanston, Lucille has exhibited in the U.S. and Europe.  Her 30 plus year practice as an Art Therapist and role as teacher in the Art Therapy graduate program at the School of the Art Institute support a process-oriented and transformational approach to the creation of art.


Please view more of Lucille’s work at:

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